Yesterday I delivered an order by hand to a friend. That was fun. I’m high risk for Covid, so I don’t often meet up with people in person these days. Very nice when it works out.
This morning I watched the Tim Holtz live on YouTube. So inspirational! I was humming with ideas by the time it was over. He showed all the cool fabrics he’s designed based on his fantastic collection of vintage ephemera. If you click through to the link, he starts showing fabrics about 20 minutes into the video. His Halloween fabrics are off the hook!
Tarot boxes
Today I’ve worked on my tarot/oracle deck boxes. I removed the hardware and sanded all three of them. The smallest box I covered with patterned paper with triskele on it. It has a flat part on top of the lid that’s begging for some sort of decoration. I’m still noodling on what that will be. Right now I’m leaning toward die cutting the word tarot and applying it as a relief on top. Maybe with a triple moon or some other decoration around it. Or even under it. Lots of options.
The middle box appears to be pine and it has the best quality wood. So I’m thinking of staining it. I might add some silver details too.
The largest box has the worst wood. It acts more like cardboard than wood. So I’ll have to cover it with something. Either paper or fabric. It has debossed ridges that are supposed to look like they’re separate pieces of wood, which makes covering it more difficult. Either I fill the ridges with some sort of filler, or I press the material down into each ridge. Neither option is very appealing.
Scrapbooking services
In between sanding, gluing and painting, I’ve worked on my scrapbook services page. The idea is that I will scrapbook for people who don’t have the time or energy for it.
It’s going to be very interesting to see if I can get that business going. I know that there are lots of people who have all the material but who just don’t get around to actually laying out pages and putting together albums. The question is if they are willing to spend money for me to do it. Will they trust me enough?