Blogging Out of Turn

In the Etsy web view, you’ll find the Contact button at the top right, under my photo.

Usually I post a crafty tutorial on Tuesday or Wednesday. But business is top of mind for several reasons. So I’ll blog while the iron is hot, so to speak.

Defining my niche

As I said last week, my Etsy store is all over the place. Or rather, was. Over the weekend I decided to focus on only cards right now. The goal is to get to a steady income from cards first. Then when I feel that I’ve got that humming along, I can branch out.

So I de-activated all the non-card listings. If I de-activated a listing that you wanted to purchase, please contact me on Etsy and I’ll be happy to activate the listing for you.

I hope I can curb my shiny-object syndrome. For now I feel settled and good about my decision.

Instagram hop

The Insta hop graphic for the first week created by @thatcraftygolden.

The Instagram collaboration and cardmaking hop that I mentioned two weeks ago has now started. The theme for the first week is Floral Birthday. That’s a very familiar theme for most cardmakers, including me. I created my card on the weekend, so I just need to take some good pictures.

Monday was busy with medical stuff. It’s not serious but may require surgery soon. Tuesday it rained nonstop. But I should be able to take photos today.

The reveal of the first week’s card is on Sunday. You can follow the hashtag we’re using: #sharingspringcards

Renee’s Garden

At the end of the same post I also talked vaguely about an acquaintance who wanted to use a photo of mine. She came through with showing my Equinox cards in the story of her current employer, Renee’s Garden. Very happy about that!

If you’re not familiar with Renee’s Garden, they’re a Colorado organic and heirloom seed company. You may have noticed their beautifully watercolored seed packets at Whole Foods. The name of the artist is Mimi Osborne.

The direct result of Renee’s story was that two people put the Equinox card in their carts on Etsy! They’re unlikely to buy the card now, after the fact. But it’s another step in the right direction.


Yesterday I was cold messaged by a stranger asking me about wholesale orders. We’ve been messaging on and off today. She has some great ideas and I hope we can work together. Wholesale is one way of getting a steadier income stream, so I’m definitely interested in that.

Right now it’s just castles in the sky. But I love the feeling I get when my outlook is broadened by talking to people whose experience is very different from mine.

Shop Updates

I’ve added a couple of cards that I made during the Pinkfresh cardmaking event a couple of weeks ago. While taking the listing photos I got to put my new photo background through its paces. I think the result is much more professional than the old one.



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